The Kingston Whig-Standard e-edition


In 1520, the Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reached the Pacific Ocean after passing through the South American strait that now bears his name.

In 1628, writer John Bunyan, famous for his Christian allegory “Pilgrim's Progress,” was born in Elstow, England. His father was a tinker and Bunyan learned his trade, but also got involved in the English Civil War. His adventures were reflected in “Pilgrim's Progress,” one of the bestselling books of all time.

In 1698, Gov. Louis Frontenac of New France died at Quebec. Frontenac was largely responsible for opening the region, despite orders from his superiors.

In 1797, the North West Company, a major force in the fur trade, began building the Sault Ste. Marie Canal. It was destroyed by American troops in 1814 when they attacked the company's nearby trading post during the War of 1812-1814.

In 1895, the first U.S. car race – from Chicago to Waukegan, Ill. – was won by J. Frank Duryea, who maintained a speed of 12 km/h.

In 1914, the New York Stock Exchange re-opened after its longest shutdown ever. The exchange had closed July 31st with the outbreak of the First World War.





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